Saturday, December 6, 2014

Process Post on Close Reading

This past week, we've practiced a variety of close reading strategies as we re-read Fahrenheit 451. For example, we payed close attention to symbolism, something I especially enjoyed. As a writer and a reader, I know how important and useful symbolism can be. With Fahrenheit 451, we analyzed possible symbols like the Hound to see how Bradbury used them to tell us something about Montag, the protagonist. Looking closely at symbols will reveal a lot about the story, other characters, and even effect our interpretation of the book.

Additionally, over these past few days I've realized how vital vocabulary is, and how it is in itself a tool for close reading. In class one day we were reading a section from the book and our teacher asked us what a few words meant, and none of us had any idea. Most of us had just skimmed over these words without bothering to look them up, and when our teacher told what they meant, they added a whole new level to our understanding. Authors use words for a reason, and making an effort to understand new vocabulary is beneficial in so many ways.

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